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National Ecumenical Forum for Filipino Concerns in the Inland Empire

Supporting Justice, Peace, Human Rights, and Integrity of Creation

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Who We Are

We, the National Ecumenical Forum for Filipino Concerns - Inland Empire (NEFFCON -IE), are an ecumenical and interfaith non-profit 501(c) 3 organization supporting Justice, Peace Human Rights, and Integrity of Creation. NEFFCON-IE is inspired by the love of God, and service to the people, where faith is seen as the river of life that nurtures legitimate struggles and inter-human relationships. We are committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of Filipinos in the USA and in the Philippines; and to be in solidarity with peoples of different cultures and walks of life – the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed.

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PAISIE Breaking Barriers & Building Communities Through Health & wellness Fall 2024

PAISIE  Breaking Barriers & Building Communities Through Health & wellness Fall 2024
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PAISIE  Breaking Barriers & Building Communities Through Health & wellness Fall 2024

PAISIE Breaking Barriers & Building Communities Through Health & wellness Fall 2024

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45th Sacerdotal Anniversary Fr  Ben Alforque, MSC

45th Sacerdotal Anniversary Fr Ben Alforque, MSC

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PAIS IE Summer Immersion  2024 Placemaking & Belonging

PAIS IE Summer Immersion 2024 Placemaking & Belonging

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Cultural Diversity With Fr. Ben Alforque MSC & Naida Castro

Cultural Diversity With Fr. Ben Alforque MSC & Naida Castro

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Our Work

We envision a people dynamically integrated in the US Church and society united with the people of the Philippines for the event of God's Reign.

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Introducing NEFFCON-IE's Biggest Project

Funded by the California Endowment

45th Sacerdotal Anniversary of Fr. Benjamin E. Alforque, MSC

October 26, 2024

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Biblical Commentaries
by Fr. Benjamin E. Alforque, MSC


Third Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday

DEC. 14, 2024


1. First Reading: Zep 3:14-18a (An Oracle)

After the judgment against Jerusalem comes now this oracle of restoration: God will reclaim his people after a period of purification. This purification – a period of punishment by destruction, colonization and exile – is needed because the leaders of the people, the state and the temple, together with the people, have sinned against the Lord. Sin here is defined (Ch. 3) by a break in the personal and intimate – not legal and juridical – relationship between God and the people. But from out of this ruin comes God’s initiative of forgiveness and mercy. He will scatter the enemies of the people. Jerusalem will be the glorious center of the nation once again. For truly God is the king of Israel and He lives in the heart of the people. Among the remnant poor and humble people He will proclaim His joy and raise them up in his glorious festivals. Therefore, Israel must rejoice!

2. Responsorial Psalm: Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 (A Hymn)

This is a hymn that concludes the vision of the coming of Emmanuel amid the destruction of the nation because of ill-advised international alliances during the Syro-Ephramaite War. In fact, Samaria fell in 722 BCE. The reversal of fortune is proclaimed: a hope for the return from exile, the end of injustice and oppression and an experience of a new Exodus. The people must rejoice: God intervenes in their human history and He is their liberation-salvation.

3. Second Reading: Phil 4:4-7 (Exhortation)

Paul’s invitation or exhortation to rejoice connects these verses to Ch. 3:1. Joy is the tone of the whole letter to the Philippians, a joy that arises even in Paul’s imprisonment. This is not an individualistic joy. It is a joy that must be shared by everyone in the community because its reasons are not private and individual, but personal, communitarian and social: your kindness should be known to all; the Lord is near; the peace of God erases all anxieties and predisposes you to a confident and grateful prayer. This joy is the peace in Christ!

4. Gospel: Lk 3:10-18

This is still in the context of Luke’s highlighting contrasts and contradictions. John the Baptist, the last prophet of the old times and herald of the new, proclaims God’s opportune time for conversion and reversal. In the concrete, he offers a social critique based on the word of God that must now be practiced in the human cooperation with the divine preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Everyone must share the goods of the earth for the common good; no to greed and individualism; tax collectors must be honest in their job; no to corruption and social theft; soldiers must not use their military power to oppress people, to gain advantage over others and to enrich themselves; no to extortion, false accusations and planting of evidence to gain promotion and no to mercenary military service. This is the way to prepare for the coming of the Messiah here and now. This is how we, the people, cooperate with God’s gracious design! God will soon reveal his Messiah whose baptism is more decisive and superior to John’s. While John baptized with the water of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire: a new alternative way of living inspired by the Holy Spirit, and with the finality of justice and judgement. – Fr. Ben, MSC


Naida Castro
Chairperson and PAIS-IE Administrator


Message From the Chairperson and PAIS-IE Administrator

Welcome to NEFFCON-IE!!


Thank you for visiting our webpage. Since 2016, we have strived to live up to our mission of being a voice to our marginalized and oppressed Filipinos in the Philippines, as well as, those Filipino-Americans living in the United States. Through the events, campaigns, statements, and various other activities we have initiated, and partnered with other community and advocacy organizations, serving the Filipino community, we hope we have also made a positive contribution to the global movement for social justice.


We hope that our webpage can provide you with information on the kinds of endeavors we have done in the past, as well as, the plans we intend to pursue in the future. 


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National Ecumenical Forum for Filipino Concerns - Inland Empire


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Turning Interest Into Action

Here at NEFFCON-IE, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2016, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Non-Profit Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see. Contact us and learn more how to get involved.

Southern California

10950 Arrow Route #1182Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
+1(840) 245-7033

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